Dr. Purva Mange |
2022-23 |
Associate Professor |
Certificate of Presentation |
Symbiosis School of Bussiness Mangement |
Dr. Purva Mange SIBM |
Dr. Purva Mange |
2022-23 |
Associate Professor |
Communication Quotient 1st Prize |
Symbiosis School Media and Communication |
Dr. Purva Mange SSMC 1 |
Dr. Purva Mange |
2022-23 |
Associate Professor |
Communication Quotient Perticipation |
Symbiosis School Media and Communication |
Dr. Purva Mange SSMC 2 |
Dr. Purva Mange |
2022-23 |
Associate Professor |
Challenge in Education Post Pnadamic |
Symbiosis School of Planning Architecture and Planning |
Dr. Purva Mange SSPAD |
Dr. Purva Mange |
2021-22 |
Associate Professor |
Sustainable Living Contest |
Symbiosis Center for Waste Resource Management |
Dr. Purva Mange SCRWM |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2022-23 |
Assistant Professor |
Certificate of Presentation |
IIT Tirupati |
Ar. Akshay Revekar IIT Tirupati |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2022-23 |
Assistant Professor |
Symbiosis School of planning Architcture and Design |
Ar. Akshay Revekar SSPAD |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2022-23 |
Assistant Professor |
Communication Quotient 1st Prize |
Symbiosis School Media and Communication |
Ar. Akshay Revekar SSMC 1 |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2022-23 |
Assistant Professor |
Communication Quotient Perticipation |
Symbiosis School Media and Communication |
Ar. Akshay Revekar SSMC 2 |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2021/22 |
Assistant Professor |
Certificate Of Presentation |
Ar. Akshay Revekar BHU |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2020 -21 |
Assistant Professor |
Letter of Appriciation |
Voice Chancellor SIU |
Ar. Akshay Revekar SIU |
Ar. Akshay Revekar |
2019-20 |
Assistant Professor |
Certificate of Participation |
MSE College of Architecture Kozikode |
Ar. Akshay Revekar MSE Architecture |