SSPAD Students Movie Club

The Movie Club of Symbiosis School of Planning Architecture and Design (SSPAD), Nagpur is a newly formed club which came into being in August 2019. The club consists of budding architecture and design students and avid film buffs who are interested in screening movies to students of SSPAD. The main idea is to get students and others interested in collective film watching with friends and peers. The Movie Club consists of 2 highly dedicated and sincere students from B.Arch. and B.Design, who are interested in making the process of movie screening a fun and enjoyable one.

In addition to the above mentioned, the members of the club also put a great deal of effort in setting up the ambience, which make the screening process more pleasant to witness. The members of the Movie Club firmly believe in getting students and peers together to collectively enjoy watching films and strive towards making the process of screening movies a fun and pleasurable experience.

Club Incharge -
  • B.Arch : Ms. Lisha Thakkar
  • B.Des : Ms. Drishti Iyer
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