Jigyasa (Students Internship Presentation) 2024

Jigyasa (Students Internship Presentation) 2024

The Event has commenced under the Guidance of SSPAD Director Dr. Nandini Kulkarni. Jigyasa is an annual event, hosted at SSPAD, Nagpur. After the commencement of the new academic session (ODD). This event aims to showcase the industry experience gained by the Final year (7th sem) students during their summer internships (Semester Break) to their juniors. Jigyasa provides an opportunity to junior students to learn the strategies and essentials for securing internships at reputable design firms and to explore the diverse work completed by senior students across specializations such as Product Design, UI/UX Design, Interior Space Design, and Graphic Design.

The event commenced with a brief guest lecture by Ved Waliokar, an IITian working in the field of Ui-Ux In Tech Company. He shared insights of his masters study experience and discussed the challenges individuals face in the industry. Waliokar also highlighted his achievement of presenting a research paper as a comic, which later chosen for conference name COMIN'21 at IIT Delhi further he talked about the achievement from the similar event.

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